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1. 채용정보

Requisition # G1889987
Job Title Software Engineer. IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
Post Date 07/26/2011
Division Qualcomm CDMA Technology
Job Area Engineering - Software
Location South Korea - Seoul
Job Function The candidate will support Qualcomms IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) stack and services, and will be responsible for help OEMs to design, develop, debug and test their systems, and will provide end-to-end support using Qualcomms IMS solution. The long term goal will be realization of VoLTE services in various carriers and service providers using Qualcomms IMS stack.
Skills/Experience -Min. 5 years of mobile industry experiences
-Good understanding on mobile industry and mobile devices
-Strong ability to Write/Read C/C++ codes
-Good understand on Object Oriented based approach and debugging background
-Good understanding on various 3rd party OSes like Android, WindowsMobile, WindowsPhone and Linux
-Strong knowledge on working experiences on IMS, and relevant protocols such as SIP/SDP, RTP/RTCP, XML
-Good understanding on data protocols stacks such as RLP, PPP, TCP, UDP, IP, IPv4/v6, MIP, RFCs
-Good understanding and knowledge on 3GPP and 3GPP2 standard is a big plus
-Experience on MMD and IWLAN is a plus
-Experience on Qualcomm solution (MSM/AMSS) is a plus
-Fluent English is required. Communication with other colleagues in English should not be problem
-Self starter, active participant and good team player
Responsibilities The job includes
-optimization of performance working with network vendors by tuning and testing devices
-having meeting with corresponding parties to discuss plan and to solve issues
-training IMS to OEMs for better understanding on Qualcomms solution
-debugging the issues found in OEM devices
Education Requirements Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering / Radio & Science Engineering / Electrical Engineering is required. Master's degree in Electronic Engineering / Radio & Science Engineering / Electrical Engineering is preferred.

2. 지원방법

1) 지원하고자 하는 분야의 링크를 클릭하면 상세요강을 볼 수 있습니다.
2) 퀄컴 채용 홈페이지(http://jobs.qualcomm.com/ )를 통해 인적 사항 입력 및 영문 이력서를 제출 하셔야 합니다.
3) 퀄컴 채용 홈페이지에 본인의 계정을 먼저 만들어야 지원이 가능합니다.
4) On Line 지원 방법:
http://jobs.qualcomm.com/ 로 접속
→ 본인의 계정 만들기 (create a profile)
→ 첫번째 페이지(http://jobs.qualcomm.com/)로 다시 돌아가서 Job Search 클릭
→ Location 항목 중 Non-U.S. 에서 “South Korea-Seoul” 찾아서 클릭
→ Job opening 리스트 중 "Project Analyst" 클릭
→ 영문으로 지원서 작성 후 제출

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