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머라도 올릴것 없을까 생각한던중에....
Android make옵션이 잘 정리 된것이 있어서요.
Android.mk Variable등의 내용도 잘 정리 되어 있습니다.


  • droid - make droid is the normal build. This target is here because the default target has to have a name.
  • all - make all builds everything make droid does, plus everything whose LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS do not include the "droid" tag. The build server runs this to make sure that everything that is in the tree and has an Android.mk builds.
  • clean-$(LOCAL_MODULE) and clean-$(LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME) - Let you selectively clean one target. For example, you can type make clean-libutils and it will delete libutils.so and all of the intermediate files, or you can type make clean-Home and it will clean just the Home app.
  • clean - make clean deletes all of the output and intermediate files for this configuration. This is the same as rm -rf out/<configuration>/
  • clobber - make clobber deletes all of the output and intermediate files for all configurations. This is the same as rm -rf out/.
  • dataclean - make dataclean deletes contents of the data directory inside the current combo directory. This is especially useful on the simulator and emulator, where the persistent data remains present between builds.
  • showcommands - showcommands is a modifier target which causes the build system to show the actual command lines for the build steps, instead of the brief descriptions. Most people don't like seeing the actual commands, because they're quite long and hard to read, but if you need to for debugging purposes, you can add showcommands to the list of targets you build. For example make showcommands will build the default android configuration, and make runtime showcommands will build just the runtime, and targets that it depends on, while displaying the full command lines. Please note that there are a couple places where the commands aren't shown here. These are considered bugs, and should be fixed, but they're often hard to track down. Please let android-build-team know if you find any.
  • LOCAL_MODULE - Anything you specify as a LOCAL_MODULE in an Android.mk is made into a pseudotarget. For example, make runtime might be shorthand for make out/linux-x86-debug/system/bin/runtime (which would work), and make libkjs might be shorthand for make out/linux-x86-debug/system/lib/libkjs.so (which would also work).
  • targets - make targets will print a list of all of the LOCAL_MODULE names you can make.


2009.07.18 01:39:28

좀 정리해 봐야겠네요....^^


2010.02.18 02:41:05

잘 읽었습니다.


2010.07.16 22:03:40

오오~~ 딱 필요한 자료네요.. 감솨요~

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